Web design is a constantly changing industry. About a decade ago, the fundamentals of designing a website for business were completely different from what they are now.
Internet usage around the world has skyrocketed. There are an estimated four billion-plus active internet users around the globe.
Many factors have brought about a huge change in web design principles. In this blog, we share some facts about changes in website design that you should be aware of.
1 – Websites Need To Be Mobile-Friendly
More than 90 percent of all internet searches originate from mobile phones today. Of all the active users around the globe using the internet, less than 8% of them use a desktop or tablet to access the internet.
That means that most users who visit your website would be doing so from their mobile screens. If your website isn’t optimized for mobile screens, it might work against you.
2 – Regular Updates Are Necessary
Many businesses create their websites and then neglect them. Websites require regular updates and maintenance.
If customers visiting your website find that it hasn’t been spruced up in a long time, they think you don’t care about your business.
3 – Code and SEO Interlink
While writing codes for websites, SEO should be taken into consideration as it can increase search rankings.
Each word used during the coding process can have a far-reaching impact on the search rankings, and developers should keep that in mind while writing the source code.
In closing, good web design can make a huge difference in the web traffic attracted by your website. If you would like to find a firm for Web Design in Burlington, please click here.
For more details about Web Development in Windsor please visit our website: webgeeks.com
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