Thursday, 3 September 2020

What are the different types of responsive web designs?

Website Design in Windsor is no longer limited to one device that is a computer system. In fact, even Google ends up penalizing websites that are unable to work on multiple devices. This is because responsive web design offers more than just user comfort. It increases your website’s SEO too. 
So, let us understand the types of responsive web design. 
1- Responsive layout: 
A responsive layout or adoptive design is built using static blocks. They have a fixed width and are expressed in pixels. They adapt to certain screen widths, also known as breakpoints. However, there is a chance of changes in layout once the breakpoint crosses 500px. 
2- Fluid layout: 
This type of layout typically fits the overall width of the browser. The fluid layout uses relative units. This way, they are able to adapt the layer of any browser or device fluidly. However, this design is time-consuming for both the developer and the designer. As the project is very complex, it is better to work along with a professional for a better outcome. 
3- Fluid-responsive layout: 
Fluid-responsive layout, as the name suggests, has the mix of both the fluid and responsive layout. The notion behind using this type of layout is that it uses fixed widths in pixels to offer relative fluid units and precise breakpoints.  
Bottom line
So, there you go. These are the three types of responsive web designs. 
Are you looking forward to inculcating either one of these Responsive Web Design in Windsor? Then connect with Webgeeks. They will offer better assistance to all your web designing problems. 


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